Friday, November 14, 2008

Mud Slingin'/ Butt Crackin' Afternoon

I try sometimes to be a cool Mommy, today at least I was!
I swear I have never seen them so happy.
I love the look on Doodlebug #3's face.

For Christmas, my Livie (DB #2) would like some hips please. The poor child can never keep a pair of jeans up.

Shortly after I snapped these, I went inside for a split second. Then I heard water. Yup, they found the water spout in the front. Mud pies anyone?

We ended the day with a stripping session on the front porch and a solid march straight back to the bathroom.

Do you notice who is absent? Doodlebug #1. My girl is too girly for mud!


Hope said...

Oh my, you are a good momma! I'm not sure I could have handled that one!

prechrswife said...

They look like they were having a ball. :-) (And if you find where to get hips, let us know because Mary Joyce could use some, too. Adjustable waists are the best invention ever!)

Anita said...

All I can do is!

Ashley said...

i am SURE they had a great time. and i love the crack shot. save it for blackmail one day :)

Davisix said...

What a cool mom you are! I would have totally done this too. Does that mean I'm cool too? hehe Love the butt-crack pic. My Thing 3 has the same problem. We call her Butt Crack Betty. :) Ang

Cathy said...

Olivia does have trouble keeping her pants up. I recommend elastic waistband!

I loved playing in the mud as a child. Wish more children got the opportunity today. It's good for them in so many ways.

LaLa said...

when i had them last weekend i let them play on a big dirt mound and allison said, you are a better person than me to let them play in the dirt, i said, i'm just letting them be kids. i'm glad you see it the same way :)

but when i had them, it was dirt- not mud

Us said...

Hahahahah! Crack kills is sooo what my girl would have said! You can post this at her graduation party! hee hee That's alot of mud...I don't think I could have done that but just playin' in the rain..I would be so there!

Christy said...

LOVE IT! My kids love,love,love playing in the mud! It all washes and honestly don't know why more mom's don't let their kids, they have so much fun doing it!