Monday, December 22, 2008

HATS!!!!! WANT ONE?????

My BFF makes these hats and I LOVE them! I ordered them for gifts this year and she gave them to my Doodlebugs as gifts. If you want one please let me know...aren't they adorable?My Sweet (Chilly) Doodlebugs!


More Than Words said...

Oh how cute are they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great picture! If my kids would leave them on I would totally buy one!

Us said...

Those hats are adorable!! And your Doodlebugs make them even MORE adorable! xo Keli

momstheword said...

They are adorable, and so are your kids. I'm glad to hear your mom and dear sis are o.k. I hope that you'll be calling them soon!

My mom lives with me (since my dad died) so it's hard for my sister sometimes. She says she misses us very much. My other sister is an alcoholic and noone knows where she is and the last time I saw her was over twenty years ago. I don't even know if she's still alive.

Ashley said...

i love them!! they are so cute!

He & Me + 3 said...

Yes, I would love one and I would love to see her other styles too. Does she have a website or a etsy shop? Let me know because I will take two!

Davisix said...

LOVE them....especially the pink and brown one. WOW...adorable!! Ang

Shannon said...

Really cute!

prechrswife said...

Those are just adorable, but it never gets that cold down here...

Cathy said...

Those are so cute ---- adorable!
How long did they stay on their heads???

Anonymous said...

They are definitely beautiful! Not to mention thsoe little mugs wearing them!

Many blessings-