Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Count Your Blessings...

Such a simple phrase that gets tossed around all the time. Do I do it? Sometimes. Am I aware of my blessings? I am. I, in reality have too many blessings to count...I can't wait until October when I post my testimony. I try and do this every October because it's so significant to me. It embodies the meaning of being blessed. I read it a week ago and cannot get through it without memories flooding back, memories of God's abundant grace. The scripture that states "His grace is sufficient for me" it is nothing but the solid ground for which I stand.

Two years later I can look back and I no longer view my "walking through the valley of shadow and death" as a trial. I walked it, crawled, ran it, and all along the way "His grace was sufficient". He NEVER left my side...NEVER.

So my blessings are too many to count...I love my Lord, I love my husband, I love my doodlebugs. They are all my favorites!


Jen Talley said...

Love you so much and so proud of you and Joel and the beautiful family you are raising. I love hearing your testimony. God's grace is sooo amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your testimony, and what a great idea to do it every year. One of the things that God has really taught me is about being transparent with people and sharing our testimonies so that He is glorified and can use us to help other people. It can be difficult to share, but always has such amazing results that it just shows me God's faithfulness a fresh each and every time! Many blessings to you today!

Ashley said...

how neat that my blog today was about being more transparent with each other and i wrote it BEFORE i read yours!!! what a great idea!!! i can't wait!!