Monday, August 25, 2008

Worst Heat Flash I Have Ever Had!

After I left my OB appointment today I loaded all four doodlebugs up and headed to pick up the Chief. I started sweating so bad, I turned the air on 60 and faced all the vents toward me. I thought man this is awful, then I started sweating down my back, I said Girls are y'all hot?" they said "No". I thought gesh...then it fannie and back were on fire! I thought I was gonna have to pull over or something.
So long story took me another 5 minutes to realize that as I was loading the kiddies up someone who shall remain nameless (Doodlebug #4) had pushed the button to heat up my seat. I didn't even know the seats heat up if you wanted them to...duh. I released the button and started to cool off. :-)


Jen Talley said...

OMG I laughed out loud on that one!!! Too Funny

Cathy said...

The first time I sat in a seat like that, I was in someone else's car and didn't realize I had turned it on accidentally while trying to adjust the seat.

It was summer time--- and when the warmth started coming through, I thought I had wet my pants! It was the weirdest feeling

Ashley said...

that is soooo funny!!! i laughed out loud on that one!!

Anonymous said...

That's the way I always have to sit and calculate which doodlebug it is you are talking about...I's sad, but I actually have to start from doodlebug1 and work my to doodlebug4 to figure it out. I think it would be easier for me (especially with doodlebug #5 on the way) if there were some kind of mathematical equation to help me calculate faster like: (x+y) X's doodlebug(z)=(name of doodlebug) :)

prechrswife said...
